Courtney's Marathon Map

Courtney's Marathon Map
State Marathons Completed as of January 19, 2015

List of Marathons Completed

List of Marathons Completed

Sunday, April 24, 2005

4 - Salt Lake City, Utah

This is the ad I saw in Runner's World that piqued my interest in running the Salt Lake City Marathon.  At this point in time, I had not yet thought about a 50 State Marathon quest.  After my Mom passed in May of 2004, I thought it would be fun for my Dad and me to take a "marathon" vacation.  So after I saw the ad in Runner's World, I signed up.

We did not take pictures (I can't believe it!). But my dad and I had a great time bonding together, and it was worth every minute. We stayed an extra day after the marathon, rented a car, and went driving outside of Salt Lake City. The scenery was spectacular.

This was was one of the only times that I have ever taken a tour of the course before the marathon. They offered a bus tour of the course the day before so my Dad and I took it.
Thanks Dad for a fun vacation!  Miss you!!!